The Eartwiggles and Friends

The EarTwiggles

Papa Twiggle
Mama Twiggle
Baby Timi
Diente the Gopher
Diente the Gopher
Diente the Gopher

Diente the Gopher is Twiggi's best friend.





Coloring Pages

Diente the Gopher coloring page Fun in the Sun coloring page    

Enjoy more coloring pages and puzzles featuring Lily and her friends.

Twiggle Books

Online interactive, animated story books.

interactive story book Cookie Maker

Fun in the Sun Interactive Story Book

Lily, Twiggi and their friends are having fun in the sun, but Raccoon stays inside and doesn’t move. When he finally decides to join in the fun, Raccoon is too out-of-shape to get out of his burrow without help. His friends remind him that he has to exercise and eat right to stay healthy.


Diente's Dental Health

Coming soon!

The EarTwiggles

The EarTwiggles

Who and what are EarTwiggles?

Learn more..


EarTwiggles® 2014