The EarTwiggles

The EarTwiggles

Twiggi active
Papa Twiggle
Mama Twiggle
Baby Timi
Diente the Gopher

Twiggi loves to eat green vegetables. When he was younger he discovered that eating green vegetables made him invisible. Twiggi loves to play sports, to read, and to take apart things. His best friend is Diente the Gopher. He wants to be a farmer when he is all grown up. He also loves to cook with his Mom.


Who and what are EarTwiggles?

Learn about the EarTwiggles. Where do they live? How tall are they?

Twiggi Coloring

Twiggi coloring page Twiggi with Apple coloring page Twiggi cleaning teeth coloring page  

Enjoy more coloring pages and puzzles featuring Twiggi and his friends.

Twiggle Books

Online interactive, animated story books.

interactive story book Cookie Maker

Cookie Maker, Cookie Baker

Lily and Twiggi mix, roll, and bake their way to a delicious treat. Coming soon!
line Twiggi's kitchen

Twiggi's Kitchen recipes

Visit Twiggi in his kitchen and make his healthy and delicious meals

The EarTwiggles

The EarTwiggles

Who and what are EarTwiggles?
Learn about the EarTwiggles. Where do they live? How tall are they?

Learn more..


EarTwiggles® 2014